Losing Weight by Atkins Diet

   More than 50 percent of the adults in America are overweight. These individuals try many different diets to lose weight. There are many popular diets such as counting calories, fasting, juicing and high protein diets. The Insanity Nutrition Guide recommends a diet high in protein. One of the most popular high protein diets is the Atkins diet.

   The Atkins diet plan is a diet that you will commit to eating only meat. Meat can consist of pork, chicken, steak, and even bacon. That is the only thing that you can eat is meat, nothing else. When you commit to this diet you completely cut out fresh fruits and vegetables, breads, and everything else. The Atkins diet can be dangerous for some people and it is a fad diet. You need to lose weight by using your common sense and do things like eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and exercise properly.

   Atkins is an amazing diet where you will never go hungry again yet still lose weight. This is not a gimmick or the latest fad. The Atkin's Diet has been around for decades. Most people will lose 10-30 pounds in the first month! How do they do it? They eat all the meat, cheese, eggs, and fats (like butter and oils) until they are full. There is no calorie counting or using tasteless low fat foods. There is no starvation. What is the trick you may ask? Limiting carbohydrates in your daily food intake. The amazing thing with following the Atkin's plan, not only can you eat delicious food and feel satisfied, but  you will feel better mentally and physically.  Your energy level will increase, and you may discover that your food cravings have relinquished and the need for comfort foods is no longer necessary.

1 comment:

  1. You need nutrients from fruits and vegetables though. Animal protein only has so much of the essential amino acids the body needs just to function, no to mention if individuals are exercising.
